Friday, September 7, 2007

Wisdom and obedience

Listen to the words of the wise; apply your heart to my instruction. For it is good to keep these sayings deep within yourself, always ready on your lips. I am teaching you today-yes you- so you will trust in the Lord"
(Proverbs 22:17-19)

"Thank you Father for your desire and willingness to teach me today. You call me to rest in the fact that you take responsibility for instructing me. Plant your truth deep within me, so that your name will always be on my lips. As I apply my heart and mind to your word, bring me into a deeper trust in you.

"The sacred page is not meant to be the end. But only the means towards the end. which is knowing God himself" (A W Tozer 1897-1963)

Help me Lord to trust in you, through all of life's circumstances, and especially the ones where it is hard to see your face and your purposes. Help me rest in the sovereignty of your love and grace, knowing that all things work for the good of those who love you, and that you will bring your kingdom to fruition, no matter how sinful and wicked men are, not matter how thwarted their motivations, no matter how utterly deceitful the heart are all powerful and all knowing, and will bring all things to pass, by your Sovereign and awesome power.

Lord, I pray that you will continue to refine and purge me. That I will be a clean vessel, humble and ready to be used. Please nudge, prode, stop me in my track; when I do not honour and glorify you, and you only. Forgive my pride, my selfishness. Get rid of all that is not holy within me. I want to be like Jesus Lord. I want to love you more. Please use me for your kingdom. Grant me the obedience, the strength, the humility and obedience. Give me a heart that is bent and pliable towards you!

Grant me godly wisdom, I pray